3 Isuzu : Cars & Vehicles in
8000 euro i diskutshem ???? elbasan Mercedez benz 204 Benzin - Gaz Viti prodhimit 2008 Marmita me zhurme Baxha xhami Sendilje me ngrohje + buton Xhamat e zinj me leje Impianti i gazit me leje Disqe look Amg Kondicioner/klima Tapiceria shume e paster Bluetoth/aux/ sd card For more ...
No machnical faults all good dry and untouch Engine Mileage 165,000km Price negotiable Call 73366601
No mechanical fault, dry and untouched engine, well maintain picking up and drop off for church use only within city limit. brand new tyer, Rego current . mileage 170,000km price negotiable !! call: 72099499/ 78538901