2 Results : Computers in Japan
????M?t chi?c Sony vaio nh? ??p ?C?u h�nh: Core i5 Ram 4GB ? c?ng SSD 128GB ?Gi� ch? c� 29000� th�i ? ?B?o h�nh t?n 6 th�ng ?C�i ??t ph?n m?m mi?n ph� ????V?n chuy?n v? Vi?t Nam an to�n ??m b?o ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? C� 3 h�nh th?c thanh to�n . Nh?n daibiki ho?c Chuy?n kho?n tr??c ho?c dao d?ch tr?...
This was custom built to fit my needs in video editing and designing. The specs are also fitting for those who are looking for a sturdy gaming PC. It works perfectly well and I never encountered any issues with it. I never pushed it too far as to overclocking it either. I love this PC and it�...