If you are in need of a quick phone that works and don't mind getting it repaired down the line, this is perfect for you.
The front screen is absolutely perfect as I had a screen protector that i pulled off. But it has some hardware issue with the screen that has caused this white line on the side, could be a motherboard issue.
But for the back, photo is explanatory. NO CRACKS on the camera tho, and as shown in the last photo it works perfectly.
This phone has a massive 256gb of storage but I would look at getting the battery replaced in the futrue soon as its health is at 76%
Category | Phones |
Sub Category | Mobile Phones |
Type | For Sale |
Price ($) | $80 |
Specify | IPHONE |
Ad Type | I am Offering |
For Sale By | Private |
New/Used | Used |
Sale Type | Sale |
Location | Queensland |
City | Townsville |
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